Retrouvez Pfanner Yvonne sur Resalib : annuaire, référencement et prise de rendez-vous pour les Hypnothérapeutes
L'hypnose pour les enfants et les adolescents | Hypnose Consulting
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Distance sessions  are possible and effective. They are done in  videoconference or  on the phone.

Remote viewing offers the following advantages:
- No travel, less pollution
- Time saving
- Security: you are at home
- Discretion assured
- Therapeutic help in case of troubles or fears preventing you from leaving your home.
- No risk of contamination

Just make sure you are calm during the session, in a  place where you will not be disturbed. You can  sitting or lying down so that you can completely relax all the muscles in your body, including those  neck and shoulders; you can use a bed, couch, recliner, or chair with a high back.


For more  comfort and depth, I recommend the use of headphones or earphones. 
Please think carefully  to mute your notifications  telephone.

Video tools  :
your smartphone on Whatsapp, on Zoom or on  Google Meet.


In the event of an unforeseen disruption or emergency, you come back to yourself fully aware.


Appointment and payment: 
The appointment is made  on Doctolib , choose the "visio-consultation" reason.

Payment is made before the session by transfer or Paypal payment 
Account holder: Hypnosis Consulting YP
IBAN: FR76 1470 7500 2032 6219 4434 028

Paypal  :

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