Retrouvez Pfanner Yvonne sur Resalib : annuaire, référencement et prise de rendez-vous pour les Hypnothérapeutes
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accompagnement parents soutien à la parentalité couple relations familiales






You want to improve family relationships, be accompanied in your parent role, in relationships with your children or in building your partner relationship, hypnosis can help you.

In front of the changes linked to the birth of a partnership, of a child, of parenting and in front of the daily family life, you may have many questions on : welcoming the child, partner relationship, sexuality, daily organization, life projects ...


Everyone has his own way of being a companion, a parent. There is no model or recipe, just people who come with their personality, their history, who sometimes make mistakes and who also learn.


Because, every day, we learn !


Some steps may confuse you, because:

  • You are exhausted and have only one desire, to rest

  • It's hard to keep your control under all circumstances and you don't understand why you are reacting so strongly

  • You can't find a moment for yourself

  • You have only one wish, it is to find a little intimacy with your partner

  • Doing homework is beyond your strength

  • You feel guilty for not managing everything

  • The distribution of tasks is not quite easy

  • You are afraid that he will not succeed

  • Your child does not listen to you and / or sometimes reacts violently

  • You can't say no to him

  • You have only one wish, it is to love your child and he does not cease to make you angry

  • Reconciling professional and family life is difficult

  • … ..


The list can be, sometimes, very long,


By sharing your emotions, your questions, your difficulties, you will be able to imagine and find the answers that suit you to find yourself, regain energy and flourish.

esprit de famille bonnes relations familiales
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