You have just made the first step! The step on the path to your freedom.
If you say to yourself, “I would like to stop smoking, but I can't, ” it means that the tobacco has taken hold in your subconscious and that your behavior is influenced by this unconscious mechanism.
The good news is that like any anchor, tobacco's anchor can be removed.
The condition is to want to stop smoking. Your motivation and determination are the basis of your success. This decision is up to you; you do it above all for yourself and not because your loved ones have forced you to consult.
Hypnosis makes it possible to leave this addiction without gaining weight.
Hypnosis is there to help you understand this unconscious mechanism so that you can regain your natural state of being a non-smoker.
Isn't it paradoxical to say that smoking makes you feel as relaxed as a non-smoker ?
Smoking is false beliefs and fears:
The belief that smoking relieves the discomfort of withdrawal. Smoking only provides temporary and partial relief, because tobacco is the very cause of stress that is believed to alleviate by smoking. The stress level is increased by the tobacco itself and reinforces the conditioning, the trap that tobacco has locked us in. Plus, far from helping you, low cigarette smoking makes you a slave for life.
The belief that smoking is fun. It is an illusion of pleasure that constitutes a false belief, because it is often more the circumstances that are a pleasure. The real pleasure is ending the frustration of craving a cigarette. Because ultimately, the only thing that predominates is the fear of not being freed from the desire of smoking….
The belief, that smoking increases our confidence in ourselves. On contrary, it undermines our confidence and self-esteem.
Smoking benefits are illusion's, it's a scam.
Free yourself !
It's your turn to be the master.
You can now think about your well-being. Watch this short film of 1min 27 on the benefits of stopping smoking: https://youtu.be/DQdkkSKDtnI
Before your session, I suggest that you do two small tests of dependence and motivation to stop smoking below, then a short telephone interview to assess your relationship to cigarettes, in order to adapt your session to your personality.