With hypnosis, your child will learn to divert his attention from what bothers him to focus on what soothes him, makes him feel good. These experiences make it possible to dissociate the child from the problem in order to allow him to experience another way of acting and evolving (having dry beds, giving up thumb sucking, overcoming nightmares….).
Hypnosis is presented in a playful form through games or metaphors conducive to solving the problem. The child or young person literally becomes an actor in the world he does imagine and therefore becomes an actor of his change.
His arm is itching from eczema ? Imagining that he puts on a magic glove will help him to calm the itching… Is he afraid of the dark ? Projecting to kill dragons, like the hero of his favorite tales, will allow him to face the demons that haunt his nights !
Hypnosis is the discovery of a “magical” world, where everything becomes possible, because our brain is able to create reality from our imagination and our feelings (see the page Hypnosis and science ).
Children are spontaneously in a state of hypnosis every time they play, imagine or dream. Scientific studies show that children are generally more receptive to hypnosis than adults (Morgan & Hilgard, 1973) .