Retrouvez Pfanner Yvonne sur Resalib : annuaire, référencement et prise de rendez-vous pour les Hypnothérapeutes
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Supportive Friend


Hypnosis services can be offered by a company to its employees within the framework of  :

  • Expansion of life at work / Improvement of the quality of life at work,

  • Management of psycho-social risks,

  • Development of the employer brand and strengthening of the corporate culture,

  • Development of CSR Corporate Social Responsibility

Hypnosis and business, a concept that appeals to you?  It is the same approach as for great sportsmen who, via hypnosis and self-hypnosis, seek better concentration, more motivation, more self-confidence or a good way to manage their stress, for example.



We will work together to identify the difficulties encountered, to  develop the  Positive thought  and focus your energy on achieving your goals. The fields of application can for example be:

  • Mental preparation for an important challenge or support for changes and stimulation of motivation,

  • Development of concentration and learning and memorization skills,

  • Stress management,  generator  unsuccessful energy,

  • work organization, time management and how to deal with deadlines,

  • Relationships with others, teamwork,

  • Release of  potential and  creativity,

  • Development  or restoration of the  self-confidence,  self-esteem, energy,  capacities… (public speaking, decision making….),

  • Gain confidence, credibility and charisma

Réunion de gestion


Break the deadlock

Number of individual or collective problems, whether  attitudes in the workplace, or simply mood and motivation, do not always find  of responses between training,  discipline and valorization.

The solutions provided by the company can be supported by a program of exercises on the mind  whose goal is to lighten the emotional load that surrounds the problem, allowing a more rational resolution.



Create collective membership and individual commitment

When you start a new project, and you develop  a new strategy which supposes changes in the organization of human resources, this can generate apprehension in front of the novelty of the project and in front of the  ambitions displayed by management. Your collaborators  face uncertainty and do not have a benchmark to measure their ability to meet your expectations. In this situation the mind is extremely important. In the absence of benchmarks, the individual  will rely on collective commitment  and this one has to be strong from the start. Your company has defined  the means, organization and communication around his project. I can empower your employees to face apprehension and free  positive energy necessary for adhesion to the project, and the commitment essential to  his sucess.

Support Group


Hear the emotions and  put the mind in a problem-solving mode

It is never easy to get out of a conflict. It may be an internal conflict between employees, a conflict of authority, a conflict of interest, or any other form of conflict that may develop.  even with third parties to the company (customers, suppliers,  bankers ...). Emotions and stress sometimes leave  little  room for a rational, positive resolution for everyone.  

Self-hypnosis exercises (are the results demonstrated) allow you to work with a goal of empowerment.



Objective: Support your teams in their developments, helping them to overcome their apprehensions

Our  intervention  in your reorganization and motivation programs  and improving the skills of your teams consists of acting on the minds of your employees. 


It is about identifying the energies of the employee and the situations in which  he uses them. Hypnosis will allow the work of channeling or transposition necessary to direct the energy in the right direction.  I teach them to find the resources they have within them.  



I am helping you  to develop new behaviors in the face of hardships caused by  a major change.  


The concentration required by joining a new environment (in terms of organization but also of objectives) is more demanding than concentration in a neutral, controlled and routine environment.

Hypnosis is a tool perfectly suited to  increase the  capacities of  concentration, which is based on the mastery of a  known environment that is transferred to the unknown environment.

Athlète se concentrant


The motivation around  a change of organization  and or  objectives  new passes  by the employee's appreciation  on the idea he has of his own abilities to apprehend his new environment and / or  of his abilities  to achieve the assigned objectives.


He  there are different tools and simulation exercises.  I can  help you develop them.


Life is full of positive experiences that are born from  changes. We draw, with hypnosis to accentuate the effects,  in the  positive experiences of your employees.

L'équipe de travail réussie

Contacting a specialist who remains external to the organization  and neutral in relation to your ambitions  is reassuring for  your collaborators, especially since the Ericksonian method is not based on taking control of the subject, but  on freeing one's own resources and capacities sometimes limited by negative beliefs.


These services are potentially intended for all your employees, but always in a circumstantial way. To leaders  and operational managers to stay on top of their performance in critical situations or for major challenges. To key employees, and to all those whose goal is to limit apprehension and reluctance in the face of  changes.


Managers have the heavy task of leading the company in their specialty. Beyond their technical skills, they are notably responsible for leading their teams in tasks or projects framed by often ambitious objectives. The manager is a  relay of a global strategy  and must be a figure  charismatic, a  mentor, a  guide, who must be able  to channel energies and motivate  troops, allowing them to mount  in skills,  achieve their goals  and draw  full satisfaction. If he is in  managerial position is that he already has most of these qualities and that he has a strong mentality.

Like an athlete, he has to face situations that are sometimes more intense and more  combative, which seriously test his mind. These situations may constitute  real challenges for the manager.  

He needs all his energy to face the extreme or unexpected situations that present themselves to him. This is where, much like a pre-event athlete, mental exercises on controlling energy and concentration are essential.  


A key employee can also be a manager, but not necessarily. It is an individual who denotes by his performance, his competence, and by his influence on his peers. Its actions are likely to have an impact on the organization. He is an important relay for management as for other employees, because he knows how to set an example and express the satisfaction of an accomplished performance as well as constructive criticism. On the other hand, a key employee is often  difficult to replace and faced with certain situations (change of organization, challenges, new objectives) management may fear  disengagement and strives to maintain motivation. Of course, human resources can deploy support that reassures key employees. That said, each individual reacts differently depending on their own personality, a mind that is quick or not to offer the expected response, and which depends on very personal elements that go beyond the scope of human resources intervention.

Ericksonian hypnosis exercises  are not invasive  and are not likely to exercise a  control  on the employee. On the other hand, in this particular case we seek to attenuate and eliminate the apprehension which would be a factor in a change in the behavior of the key employee. The Ericksonnian hypnosis sessions would be offered in addition to the other elements offered to the employee to support the changes,  transitions or training.


They are the engines of the company's activity. Their performance has repercussions  directly on the health of the company. But they are also the showcase of the company, because they represent the entire company vis-à-vis customers. Within the company, in contact with other departments (production, marketing, administration), they are also the voice of customers. This dual role is essential, and depending on their interlocutors,  these employees are the spokespersons  virtues that they defend or the buffers of imperfections that they mitigate, in turn  for the company they represent or for the customers of which they are the voice.

Here again, if they perform one of these functions, it is because they have the capacity and the qualities required.

On the other hand, where your practitioner intervenes is in the channeling and deployment of resources.  deeper mental skills to develop the ability to cope with critical situations that can induce a heavy emotional load. It is in these situations that an actor in the sale will make the difference in customer satisfaction or in his credibility in front of the related services to which he usually addresses in the company.

The benefits are important in anticipating the  management of conflicts that may arise in after-sales services or in other customer services, but also in the preparation of a sales campaign, or an important meeting with a key customer for the company. Whether it is prevention or preparation work, Ericksonian hypnosis is a significant tool in the preparation of your teams. 


All forms of radical change in the employee's environment have a significant impact on the person. If you don't pay attention, the effects can stay  dumb for a while but the damage can also be  consequent that  difficult to mitigate afterwards. Taking into account the mind, at the level of the individual, and this from the implementation of a radical change for the employee, can allow you to ensure a transition without introversion with harmful effects.   associated Ericksonian hypnosis sessions  your transition plan then takes on its full meaning. This will help your employees to better accept changes with confidence and serenity.



Behind any project there is an ambition. Whether it's the new project environment or the stated ambition, your employees are missing  references to engage in absolute confidence. It clings to the plan, the promise and the trust in their leaders. These references are all projections, but nothing visual, lived, routine. Your action plan certainly contains elements that support the commitment and motivation of teams, but the feeling remains an individual experience, deaf and mute, anchored in the conscious and subconscious of each,  which can act on the behavior regardless of the proposed support plan, because once again, you ask them for a projection in a universe that remains  virtual at first, and may cause enough apprehension, invisible to you, so that the commitment is not total.


The needs of the business can be revealed for  scheduled events,  but in general the implications, challenges or conflicts are seldom planned. Ideally you can include in your conflict management, sales management and CRM training procedures,  restructuring, support and skills development project, cases where the  Hypnosis session (s) are likely to accompany your staff to give the best of themselves. I propose to offer you a program of assistance to the year for a certain number of interventions in determined frameworks


You may have to face situations where despite your best efforts you find yourself in a dead end. So think about playing the Ericksonian hypnosis card before being forced to make radical and traumatic decisions.  

  • preventive framework in the solution of conflict, before possible degradation towards prud-hom, or strike.

  • depressive signs  At work

  • negative ambiences


You will encounter these cases where you will have the impression that the atmosphere is not the best and that the spirit is not at the rendezvous. It is often more a problem of management than of a team member. You may also have difficulty in applying rules of conduct, or you may notice  a lack of fairness of consideration, which can be  linked to various forms  and latent of  discrimination.  

  • Problems of adherence to the culture of the company

  • Appearance of undesirable syndromes (incomprehension, violence, alcohol, discrimination, etc.)

  • Indiscipline and absenteeism

The interest of Ericksonian hypnosis is to develop the capacities of reception of a plan of action as well as the capacities of return of  communications necessary for the employee or manager so that problems do not remain hidden and that healthy communication takes place so that teams remain united, and empathy takes precedence over differences.

Human resources have training tools in this regard (and we can also assist you in this direction if you wish to carry out an internal audit). You can include hypnosis sessions in your solution, as hypnosis will act as an effect booster on the solutions you put in place.


The hypnosis session  is not intended to collect personal information , nor to share the practitioner's impressions with the management of the company. The sole purpose of the session  is to allow the subject to work a state of mind, a mind in order to face a situation, so that it becomes  itself part of a solution to its problem and satisfies its  need to strengthen their skills or capacities

It has been proven for several years that improving the quality of life at work makes it possible to develop the attractiveness of your company, to increase the commitment and motivation of your employees and thus to retain them. In addition, all of the QVT actions will help reduce your company's absenteeism rate. A happy employee is a less absent and more motivated employee.


Hypnosis, a tool for preventing psychosocial risks  ?

Promoting well-being at work is above all a corporate culture, a state of mind, but also a choice, that of combining performance and well-being.

Hypnosis  is a factor of serenity and well-being at work. It is a double economic and social, professional and personal dynamic with a shared objective that of personal & professional well-being.

Contact me today to discover the full scope of my business offering.




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